10041 Polk Street NE Minneapolis, MN 55434
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KG Landscape Team
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Our passion is providing excellent landscaping solutions and services that help people get outside and take pride in their outdoor spaces. Our goal is to do so in a manner that truly provides value to our customers by offering educated solutions that make sense for their property and long term plans.
We’ve included some general pricing information below to help you understand whether or not we might be a good fit for your landscaping project.
$5,000 project minimum for landscaping projects, like: patios, walkways, plantings, retaining walls, etc. Most landscaping projects require a landscape design to begin the process. Typical landscape design costs range between $500-$2,000 depending on the scope (link to our landscape design page). Design fees are credited back toward the project when we do the work.
Our prices for fertilizer/weed control, lawn mowing, spring and fall clean-ups are primarily based on the size of your lawn (square footage), as well other factors like slope and equipment access. We provide free estimates for these services using our satellite measuring programs.
We have a $3,500 project minimum for all drainage improvement related projects, such as: regrading, French drains, drain tile, and all other drainage solution services. We charge a consultation fee ranging between $90-$150 for one of our experienced outdoor drainage experts to meet with you at your site to evaluate your yard.
Our landscape drainage expert will discuss options and determine which drainage solution will work best to improve your specific drainage challenges. We will then provide a written estimate to complete the recommended improvements , assuming your project is a good fit for KG. T he $90-$150 fee is 100% credited back toward the project if/when KG Landscape is hired to perform the recommended drainage work.
We have a $90-$150 consultation fee to have an expert out to meet with you, evaluate your lawn, talk through our many great turf renovation, leveling, topdressing or grading options, and prepare an estimate. The $90-$150 fee is then credited back toward the project after we do the work.
Call us at (763) 568-7251 or Request a Quote Online
Residential Building Contractor License #BC718597 | © 2025 KG Landscape Management