10041 Polk Street NE Minneapolis, MN 55434
Serving clients in the Minneapolis, St. Paul, Edina, Plymouth, Minnetonka & Blaine areas
Spending time near a river or lake shore can be a truly rejuvenating experience. The sounds, sights, and smells all combine to create a wonderful living atmosphere along the waterfront. For those who have realized the dream of owning a piece of lake front property, protecting the shoreline from erosion damage and working to maximize the potential of the space becomes a top priority. KG landscape can help design and implement solutions that will protect and beautify your shoreline, as well as maximize the functionally of your water front yard space.
Figure 1: The Problem
The shoreline of a lake or river is the transitional zone, also known as a riparian area, between the lake and the upland. When vegetation such as grasses, shrubs, flowers and trees in this zone get stripped away, erosion issues are much more likely to occur. While soil types and steep slopes contribute to erosion issues on the shoreline, its many of the desirable features people have wanted for their shorelines the in past; such as manicured lawns, easy to maintain spaces and wide-open views to the water that often cause the most harmful erosion problems for shoreline properties.
The shoreline vegetation that’s often considered “weeds,” actually helps to prevent erosion by dispersing wave action and the long rooted native grasses help to hold the soil in place. The grass we use for lawns in MN is relatively short rooted, poor at stabilizing soil and does little to slow down or capture water. For these reasons we do not recommend mowing to the water’s edge or replacing native vegetation with lawn all the way to the waterline.
Wildlife can also be a culprit. Burrowing animals such as muskrats can damage banks. The animals need to be trapped and relocated. The collapsed burrows and banks will then need to be filled and repaired.
If you have land that is relatively undeveloped, consider leaving as much of the transitional area of the riparian zone intact as possible. This can include improving the shoreline planting mix with native wildflowers and grasses if the current vegetation is invasive, not well established or just doesn't look very nice as is. Keeping a vegetative riparian buffer zone along the shoreline will not only will prevent erosion, but will help capture runoff, salts, and chemicals that might otherwise end up in the water. Maintaining native vegetation also provides valuable habitat for native animals and pollinators. Of course you can still create and use select spaces of the shoreline for functional purposes, such as: adding and storing a dock, building a fire pit, building a swimming beach area or a nestled patio space with a great view without removing the entire vegetative buffer along you waterfront. Let KG Landscape can help you design a functional, beautiful and sustainable shoreline landscape that maximizes the potential of your waterfront property.
Figure 2: Newly Renovated Shoreline
If the land is already developed there are several options that could be undertaken to repair, prevent erosion and/or enhance the shoreline such as:
Shoreline revetment using rip rap can be a great tool to armor the shoreline against the effects of wave action. A properly installed rip rap shoreline is low maintenance and appeals to those looking for a clean look. However, the drawbacks are that it limits useable shoreline for walking, wading, swimming, beach space, habitat for fish and wildlife and it can be expensive to install.
Some general information when it comes to properly installing boulder rip rap, includes: Stones should be placed at a max slope of 3 to 1, with larger rock used to key in the revetment (to secure both ends of the rip rap along the edges, property corners ). To prevent erosion and settling, the earth where rip rap is to be installed should be graded, compacted and covered with boulder / erosion / geotextile fabric prior to placing the rip rap rock. Sufficient rock must be placed at the base of the rip-rap for toe protection. Excavated toe material if any, must be removed from the lakebed and placed in a non-wetland area.
Re-vegetation is another important factor in shoreline restoration. Establishing native species along the shoreline will help reduce erosion, improve wildlife habitat, and create a more natural look. For example, species like reed grass, willow trees, sedges, rushes, or wildflowers can all help restore the beauty of the natural environment. This can be done using potted plants, plugs or even riparian seed mixes.
KG Landscape can help design a buffer zone shoreline planting that adds beauty and helps protect your shoreline form erosion. It’s important to note that when renovating shorelines, certain rules and regulations may apply. KG can help work with the authorities in your area in order to ensure our desired plans are in line with any DNR, watershed or local government regulations or restrictions before beginning your restoration project.
To protect these shorelines from further damage, local governments have been working to create ordinances to manage activities along the shoreline. These ordinances can range from prohibiting certain types of development near water, to reducing boat traffic in sensitive areas, to preserving native vegetation.
In addition, groups have been established to coordinate efforts and provide education on conservation practices. These groups are essential in helping to restore these vital ecosystems.
For more Information and best management practices for shoreline restoration, visit the links below:
We believe in sustainable and environmentally friendly design that utilizes plantings as well as boulders when needed to protect lakeshore, maximize beauty and create useable space for people. This includes planting a mix of native trees, shrubs, grasses, and wildflowers. Natural vegetation helps to hold soils in place, creating a sustainable buffer that prevents erosion between the land and water.
We also use native rock riprap to create a stable shoreline that won’t be washed away due to wave action or currents. By using a combination of vegetation, erosion control fabrics and rip rap rock, we can help restore a healthy balance between nature and development, while still preserving access to waterfront activities.
With proper design and maintenance, these techniques can help ensure that our rivers, lakes and the wildlife around them are protected for future generations.
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Call us at (763) 568-7251 or Request a Quote Online
Residential Building Contractor License #BC718597 | © 2025 KG Landscape Management