10041 Polk Street NE Minneapolis, MN 55434
Serving clients in the Minneapolis, St. Paul, Edina, Plymouth, Minnetonka & Blaine areas
If you’re looking for a reliable and professional residential lawn care company, you’ve come to the right place. We have a great weekly mowing services that includes lawn cutting, string trimming, and blowing every week.
Our experienced crews have the training and equipment needed to keep your lawn looking sharp, all season long.
As well as great service, we know that communication is also key. Our residential lawn care customers have a dedicated account manager, to ensure your requests are always handled promptly. Also, our lawn care crews use tablets, that include site maps, instructions and the detailed service notes they need, to do a great job for you.
String trimming around obstacles and along the perimeter of your lawn, is part of our weekly lawn service. We will weed whip around trees, lawn edging and hard surfaces as needed to make sure your lawn looks great. It’s all in the details!
After your lawn has been mowed and weed whipped, we use blowers to remove any grass clippings left on hard surface areas adjacent to the lawn. We blow clipping of the driveway, sidewalks and the street, so that everything looks great before we leave. Cleaning up and grass clippings left on the street also helps keep our storm water systems clean!
Our lawn care teams use rakes, leaf blowers and mowers with bagging systems to remove leaves and debris for your lawn and plantings beds each spring.
We always haul away and dispose of the the yard debris that we collect during these clean ups. What better way to get your yard looking great to start the season!
Let our crews collect and remove the leaves from your entire property each fall.
We use rakes, leaf blowers and mowers with bagging systems to remove leaves and debris for your lawn, landscaping areas and flower beds. We include hauling away and disposing your leaves and debris as well.
Cutting back your perennials each fall gets rid of messy looking plant debris and creates a well kept look in your planting beds between growth periods, from fall through spring. We call this our perennial cutback service.
We do this for plants like hostas, daylilies, peonies, astilbes coneflowers and other herbaceous perennials, by cutting them back to ground level and then removing and disposing the cutback debris.
Woody shrubs and evergreens are treated differently, we offer trimming and pruning for those plant types.
Our power edging service cuts away any grass and soil that's hanging over curb lines and other hardscape edges, to create a clean looking edge along perimeter. This service is also commonly called mechanical edging or curb line edging.
Power edging also works great for redefining "shovel cut edging" around mulch beds, tree and planting beds. Our equipment lets us create a perfectly clean-cut border.
KG Landscape can drastically improve the health and fullness of your lawn, with our expertly designed lawn fertilization and weed control treatment packages. We have (3) different package options that provide seasonal fertilization and weed control services for your lawn.
We also offer specialized lawn treatments to kill creeping Charlie and wild violet lawn weeds.
Visit our our
fertilizer and weed control webpage to learn more about our lawn treatment services.
Core aeration relieves soil compaction caused by normal lawn usage and prevents thatch build up issues, resulting in ideal conditions for deep root establishment and a healthy lawn. Check our our detailed webpage on Core aeration and Aerating with Overseeding Services for more info.
Our double pass aeration and overseeding service will ensure that you have the thickest and best looking lawn possible.
We aerate your entire lawn (2) times during the same visit, then spread new seed mix of sun and shade loving grasses that will grow within the holes created by aerating. This service is highly effective for renovating thin, shaded, and high traffic lawns.
You will notice a drastic improvement for for an excellent value in comparison to other renovation options, like resodding. learn more by visiting our detailed service page on lawn aeration and overseeding
This lawn care service ensures a lush green property by allowing for the necessary water and nutrient absorption right to the roots. Aeration also increases your lawns ability to absorb water, thereby helping reduce unnecessary runoff or pooling.
To learn more about the other types of lawn renovation services we offer, click this link Lawn Renovation Page
Core aeration relieves soil compaction caused by normal lawn usage and prevents thatch build up issues, resulting in ideal conditions for deep root establishment and a healthy lawn. Check our our detailed webpage on Core aeration and Aerating with Overseeding Services for more info.
We had the best slit seeding machine on the market for residential use (shown below) and found that is was only effective when used on perfectly flat yards, which most people do not have. For this reason, we stopped offering slit seeding services about 5 years ago.
We strongly believe that our double aeration and overseeding service provides better results than slit seeding.
We all know the importance of watering our yard, but without proper watering technique and a quality irrigation system, you’re basically wasting your money. Our licensed irrigation techs are available in the spring and fall for custom irrigation start-ups and blow-outs that fit your systems needs.
If you have any irrigation maintenance problems that you need addressed, our experienced team will help you understand the specification options and price points. Our technicians pride themselves on providing clients with a fast response time for leaks and breaks.
Learn more about our irrigation system installation and maintenance.
Most bushes don’t stay the exact size and shape we want, so trimming is needed. We typically provide bush trimming services to our lawn care customers twice per season. Once in the early summer after most bushes have finished flowering (we never want to trim off your flowers), then again in mid to late fall. Getting the shrubs cleaned up and looking good in the fall once they’ve stopped actively growing ensures they will be looking great next spring and won’t need early spring pruning that will damage flower buds.
We know the right and wrong way to trim all different types of shrubs. The diagram above shows a few incorrect ways to shape shrubs that will reduce the amount of sunlight received by the bottom half of the plant. Proper trimming helps all parts of the plant receive proper sunlight and ensures the longevity and aesthetic value of your bushes and shrubs.
Shrub pruning is different from bush trimming and involves the selective removal of individual branches to improve plant health and vigor. As opposed to bush trimming which removes only the tips of branches. Bush trimming is usually needed two times per season, whereas pruning is needed typically only once every 3 years. A
All deciduous shrubs and ornamental trees will benefit greatly from occasional pruning. Pruning prevents plants from getting filled up with old non-productive stems and generally looking old and tired. A lack of pruning also reduces flowering, since most shrubs flower more profusely on new wood than old.
Pruning removes the oldest and least productive stems to encourage new shoots to fill in that will look nicest and flower more. Pruning also helps improves the look of shrubs by removing ugly and crossed branches. Shrubs can live a very long time and pruning will allow them to look and perform their best throughout their entire life.
Often times, ugly bushes can be pruned into looking great again without a need to replace them.
Learn About our Commercial Lawn and Landscape Maintenance Solutions
If you’re in Minneapolis, St. Paul or surrounding suburban area and want to learn how KG Landscape Management can serve your commercial property lawn care needs: contact us at (763) 568-7251 or click here to request a quote.
Call us at (763) 568-7251 or Request a Quote Online
Residential Building Contractor License #BC718597 | © 2025 KG Landscape Management