Party In The Back: 4 Backyard Landscaping Ideas and Tips
Most of the homeowners we work with at KG Landscape are passionate about their backyards and it’s where they spend the majority of their outdoor time. It’s your sanctuary and it’s yours to do with as you please right? Well for the most part yes, but there are a few suggestions that I would like to make.
Following this advice will give you the functionality you’re looking for, but if you want to get a little crazy and section off a zinnia garden, a vegetable garden, and a spot for your flock of pink flamingos… Well you can go right ahead, that’s where “the party in the back” comes in. Spending the extra time maintaining perennial gardens is a lot more comfortable to do in the privacy of your own backyard and people in the neighborhood won’t judge your gnome statue they can’t see from the front.
Use plantings to define your entertainment space
4 Backyard Landscaping Ideas and Tips
1) Keep Grass Space
Don’t rip up all of your grass and completely fill in with planting beds. The vast majority
of people I work with want a good sized usable lawn space in their backyard, the perfect spot to play catch if you will. Variety is the spice of life and having a wide variety of different activity areas leaves your yard open to any future hobby changes. Make sure that lawn space stays green and weed free with a professional fertilizer company.
2) Make Patio Space Usable
High on everyone’s list is a great patio or deck space for outdoor entertainment. Make sure this space is well defined, easy to get to from the kitchen, and doesn’t divide the rest of the backyard into smaller, less usable spaces. Ensure you have enough space on the deck or patio for the activities that you want to do. Have enough room for the grill and relaxing space and eating space. Learn more about what makes a great patio on our paver patio page
Create privacy in your backyard using plants
3) Use Plants for Privacy
When making planting decisions, first focus on planting plants that will define usable spaces and make them more comfortable to be in, like around a patio to make that space feel more defined and intimate. Plant shrubs and trees that will provide privacy and or block views of the neighbors windows that look right into your backyard. ‘Holmstrup’ arborvitaes and ‘Dakota Pinnacle’ birch trees are great narrow screen planting options that give you the ability to block views of your neighbors without taking up your whole yard.
4) Use Color In Your Most Seen Places
Create color and interest against your fence line to make your green lawn space feel more defined. Provide great views of flowering and interesting plants out your most looked through windows. You’re working hard to maintain these beautiful gardens, make sure you can see them!
Fenceline plantings should be colorful
If you’re looking for backyard landscaping ideas for YOUR backyard in Minneapolis, please give us a call at 763-568-7251
or fill out our fast and easy quote form. We’ll meet with you at your home and give you a free consultation on what needs to improved.