Shopping for residential snow plow pricing in Minneapolis can be tough to do. Reliable snow removal companies in Minneapolis tend to keep their pricing secretive until you actually give up your information. The snow plow companies do this because the pricing can be so dependent on each individual house and they don’t want other people to know the prices. It’s also tough because a lot of people just don’t know how much this type of service costs at all and it’s tough to get a baseline on how much even a starting price would be.
That’s why we’re writing this blog post. We want to give all of our potential customers an idea of what residential snow plow pricing will be. Keep in mind, these are general pricing and will be dependent on a lot of different factors we’ll talk about below. But the general pricing can range anywhere from $600 to over $1,400. That’s a huge range, and we know that, but keep reading to see how your house would fall in that range of residential snow plow pricing.